The main feature in version 1.5 is upgrade User Notification function and Search function

  1. Updated User Notification
    At the moment notification will be send when new user assigned or Key fields will be changed
  2. Updated search function
    Now you can search by selected field. Also updated search algorithm
  3. Updated Filter by Date
    Added the ability to filter dates by month or year, or only on overdue dates.
  4. Updated Filters
    Filters now related with parent records. Added option to filter by empty value.
  5. Added new field type “Input Masked filed”
    To enter the data in a certain format (dates,phone numbers, etc)
  6. Added new field type “Image”
    Allows upload single image
  7. Updated field type “Date”
    Now you can  highlight the date before due.
  8. Update field type "Related Records"
    Added ability to select the fields that will be displayed in the list of related records and a pop-up window when you  mouse over on the name of the record.
  9. Updated field type “URL"
    Now you can add a prefix to url
  10. Updated field type “Attachments”
    Added option “Preview” for images
  11. Added setting to display user name
  12. In database tables type updated from  MyISAM to InnoDB

Also in version 1.6 has been fixed some minor bugs. 

Upgrade to Version 1.6
Note: after upgrade all data will be saved. 
  1. Create database backup
  2. Then upgrade database
    To upgrade database download version 1.6 and load "install" folder only
    Run script: http://your_domain_name/install/autoupdate/from_1.5_to_1.6.php
    Note: in "install/db_updates/" folder you can find all database update for each version.
  3. Rewrite all files
  4. If you use a Extension, then you have to upgrade it  to version 1.2 (Go to My Account to download a new version of the Extension)
  5. Remove folder "install"