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TEXT_FIELDTYPE_INPUT_TITLE temporarely not available

Posted: 06 Sep 2017, 13:32
by micha
With every heartbeat (and per logged in user) I'm getting a

Code: Select all

notice in my error log

The language file is in place, uncorrupted and 'Input Field' appears correctly when needed.

Re: TEXT_FIELDTYPE_INPUT_TITLE temporarely not available

Posted: 06 Sep 2017, 14:22
by support
Thank you. I will check and fix. This is just Notice so you can keep using app.

Re: TEXT_FIELDTYPE_INPUT_TITLE temporarely not available

Posted: 06 Sep 2017, 15:13
by micha
Thanks for taking care.
Actually I just wanted to get rid of all those entries, because real problems are hard to find this way. :)

Meanwhile, I have put error_log markers both in the __construct function and the language file.
And staying at /index.php?module=dashboard/ it turns out that __construct() is called BEFFORE the language file is included. That's the simple reason for getting all that notices.