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Bug in field display rules şn processes

Posted: 06 Jan 2021, 00:46
by enishemed
Dear Sergey,

I am not sure it is a bug or not.

I have two entities.
1. Work Orders
2. Maintenance Entity (fields: Type, Facility, Vehicle)

Type field is a dropdown (options: Facility, Vehicle)
Facility field is an Entity field
Vehicle field is an Entity Multilevel Dropdown field

Maintenence entity has Field Display Rules. Rules are like that:
If Type is Facility: Display "Facility field" and Hide "Vehicle field"
If Type is Vehicle: Display "Vehicle field" and Hide "Facility field".

Maintenance entity is Related Entity of Work Orders and we add item of Maintenence entity using process button in Work Orders. In process setting, "Apply fields display rules" is checked.

The problem is when I press the process button, the process form opens but "Field Display Rules" does not work.

Could you please check it?


Re: Bug in field display rules şn processes

Posted: 06 Jan 2021, 08:20
by support
Note: rules works for main entity in process. If you include fields from subentity in process from then rules will be not apply for fields like this.