Suggestions for Rel. 1.8

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Posts: 92
Joined: 08 Feb 2016, 18:03
Name: Reinhard Hansmann
Location: Frankenberg/Eder (Germany)
Company Name: syconics UGhb & Co. KG

Suggestions for Rel. 1.8

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Dear Sergey,

I am not really sure, if the planned chat should have priority because a lot of chat apps are already available as open source. Maybe there are some good reasons for that, but I would appreciate to improve first the project management functionality of Rukovoditel to support more professional projects of today. I am working as a project manager at big enterprises and missing some fundamental functions:

1. Planned summary reports will be great
2. The underlying Gantt library of Gantt module provides a lot of more functions. Please make use of these functions because maintenance of tasks will be sometimes easier in Gantt module (i. e. show critical path, maintain ressources in Gantt Chart)
3. Create a new report module "Kanban board" (similar functionality as "" with columns and swim lanes and drag and drop functionality). Kanban board should be an alternative for a Gantt presentation of tasks in report dropdown fields)
4. Allow unlimited number/levels of subtasks, show subtasks in all kind of reports (indented depending on level)

Best regards
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