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Re: Install: pure HTML

Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 12:10
by tuco
it is no (only) Firefox problem, Edge has the same problem...

new install with edge -> same problem.

Re: Install: pure HTML

Posted: 20 Feb 2020, 00:58
by kire
maybe it worked for me, the error was the user permissions, I placed it on ubuntu linux, with ngingx, which uses credentials to run the web service, in the case of ngingx the user and domain of ubuntu must be www- data.

Code: Select all

sudo chown -Rf /var/www/html/rukovoditel
source install

Re: Install: pure HTML

Posted: 20 Feb 2020, 11:26
by tuco
Thanks for your reply,
The webuser on synology is the group/ user "http", he got r/w-rights.
(Does he have to have that for all the folders?)

Does he have to have that name "www-data"?
There is no Group on synology like that.



just checked.
- I've added group "www-data" with rw-rights for rukovoditel-folder.
- started new install
-> same problem.

Code: Select all

Loading failed for <script> with source "__my_domaine__/rukovoditel/template/plugins/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js".
Loading failed for <script> with source "__my_domaine__/rukovoditel/template/plugins/jquery-ui/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js". index.php:654:1
Loading failed for <script> with source "__my_domaine__/rukovoditel/template/plugins/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js". index.php:655:1
Loading failed for <script> with source "__my_domaine__/rukovoditel/template/plu…bootstrap-hover-dropdown/bootstrap-hover-dropdown.js?v=2.2.1". index.php:656:1
Loading failed for <script> with source "__my_domaine__/rukovoditel/template/plugins/jquery-slimscroll/jquery.slimscroll.min.js". index.php:657:1
Loading failed for <script> with source "__my_domaine__/rukovoditel/template/plugins/jquery.blockui.min.js". index.php:658:1
Loading failed for <script> with source "__my_domaine__/rukovoditel/template/plugins/jquery.cokie.min.js". index.php:659:1
Loading failed for <script> with source "__my_domaine__/rukovoditel/template/plugins/uniform/jquery.uniform.min.js". index.php:660:1
Loading failed for <script> with source "__my_domaine__/rukovoditel/template/plugins/ckeditor/ckeditor.js?v=". index.php:663:1
Loading failed for <script> with source "__my_domaine__/rukovoditel/template/plugins/bootstrap-datepicker/js/bootstrap-datepicker.js". index.php:664:1
Loading failed for <script> with source "__my_domaine__/rukovoditel/template/plugins/bootstrap-datetimepicker/js/bootstrap-datetimepicker.js". index.php:665:1
Loading failed for <script> with source "__my_domaine__/rukovoditel/template/plugins/bootstrap-modal/js/bootstrap-modalmanager.js". index.php:666:1
Loading failed for <script> with source "__my_domaine__/rukovoditel/template/plugins/bootstrap-modal/js/bootstrap-modal.js". index.php:667:1
Loading failed for <script> with source "__my_domaine__/rukovoditel/template/plugins/bootstrap-colorpicker/js/bootstrap-colorpicker.js". index.php:668:1
Loading failed for <script> with source "__my_domaine__/rukovoditel/template/plugins/jquery-nestable/jquery.nestable.js".
folder "template/plugins" has definitely rw-rights...
seems to be something else

Re: Install: pure HTML

Posted: 24 Feb 2020, 16:39
by tuco

is there nobody, who can give me a hint?
I've installed ruko on a local XAMPP, where are no problems.
I took all the folders and files from it and pushed them on webserver (synology), import the database with phpmyadmin...

...and still the same problem.
It seemed that ruko can't find the paths of the js.

There must be a solution...


Re: Install: pure HTML

Posted: 24 Feb 2020, 18:33
by support
Can you give me link to this hosting. I will try too.

Re: Install: pure HTML

Posted: 23 Feb 2024, 23:04
by Badger
I know this is late to the game but I just got a Synlogy NAS and one purpose was to host Rukovoditel on it and not have to pay for a Web server.

I was able to solve the issue.

Ensure you have the following packages installed: MyPHPAdmin, Web Station, PHP 8+, Node,js <Most current version available>, Apache HTTP server 2.+, MariaBN10+.

Most of the packages above are related/dependent and will install when you install one of the others. I did extend the timeout settings in several areas, I remember having to do this when I setup Rukovoditel on my hosted web server to avoid some time out issues.

I believe the key is setting the HTTP Back-end server to Nginx instead of the Apache server in the Native Script Langual Website settings.

Web Station - Script Language Settings:

Web Station - Web Service Settings:

Web Station - We Portal Settings:

Re: Install: pure HTML

Posted: 23 Feb 2024, 23:05
by Badger
I'm not good with getting screenshots to host and show in forums. Here's a Google Drive link to the screenshots: ... drive_link